Class ComponentEvents

The ComponentEvents class is used by the various Coveo Component to trigger events and bind event handlers. It adds logic to execute handlers or triggers only when a component is "enabled", which serves as a way to avoid executing handlers on components that are invisible and inactive in the query.

Typically, a component is disabled when it is not active in the current Tab. It can also be disabled by external code, however.

To manually enable or disable a component, simply use its enable or disable method.




  • on(el: HTMLElement | Window | Document, event: string, handler: Function): any
  • Executes the handler for an event on a target element.

    Executes only if the component is enabled (see the enable method).


    • el: HTMLElement | Window | Document

      The element from which the event originates.

    • event: string

      The event for which to register a handler.

    • handler: Function

      The function to execute when the event is triggered.

    Returns any


  • onComponentOptions<T>(eventType: string, attribute?: string, handler?: function): void
  • Bind an event related specially to the component option model. This will build the correct string event and execute the handler only if the component is activated.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • eventType: string

      The event type for which to register an event.

    • Optional attribute: string

      The attribute for which to register an event.

    • Optional handler: function

      The handler to execute when the query state event is triggered.

        • (args: T): any
        • Parameters

          • args: T

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • onQueryState<T>(eventType: string, attribute?: string, handler?: function): void
  • Bind an event related specially to the query state model.
    This will build the correct string event and execute the handler only if the component is activated.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • eventType: string

      The event type for which to register an event.

    • Optional attribute: string

      The attribute for which to register an event.

    • Optional handler: function

      The handler to execute when the query state event is triggered.

        • (args: T): any
        • Parameters

          • args: T

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • onRootElement<T>(event: string, handler: function): void
  • Bind on the "root" of the Component. The root is typically the SearchInterface.
    Bind an event using native javascript code.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • event: string

      The event for which to register a handler.

    • handler: function

      The function to execute when the event is triggered.

        • (args: T): any
        • Parameters

          • args: T

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • one(el: HTMLElement, event: string, handler: Function): any
  • Executes the handler for the given event on the given target element.
    Execute only if the component is "enabled" (see Component.enable).
    Execute the handler only ONE time.


    • el: HTMLElement

      The target on which the event will originate.

    • event: string

      The event for which to register a handler.

    • handler: Function

      The function to execute when the event is triggered.

    Returns any


  • oneQueryState<T>(eventType: string, attribute?: string, handler?: function): void
  • Bind an event related specially to the query state model.
    This will build the correct string event and execute the handler only if the component is activated.
    Will execute only once.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • eventType: string

      The event type for which to register an event.

    • Optional attribute: string

      The attribute for which to register an event.

    • Optional handler: function

      The handler to execute when the query state event is triggered.

        • (args: T): any
        • Parameters

          • args: T

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • oneRootElement<T>(event: string, handler: function): void
  • Bind on the "root" of the Component. The root is typically the SearchInterface.
    Bind an event using native javascript code. The handler will execute only ONE time.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • event: string

      The event for which to register a handler.

    • handler: function

      The function to execute when the event is triggered.

        • (args: T): any
        • Parameters

          • args: T

          Returns any

    Returns void


  • trigger(el: HTMLElement, event: string, args?: Object): any
  • Trigger an event on the target element, with optional arguments.


    • el: HTMLElement

      The target HTMLElement on which to trigger the event.

    • event: string

      The event to trigger.

    • Optional args: Object

      The optional argument to pass to the handlers.

    Returns any




  • ComponentEvents