Interface IQueryResults

Describe a set a results returned by the Search API



Optional advancedExpression

advancedExpression: string

The advanced expression that was executed.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true

Optional apiVersion

apiVersion: number

The search api version that was used for this query.

Optional basicExpression

basicExpression: string

The basic expression that was executed.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true


categoryFacets: ICategoryFacetResult[]

Category facet results of the query


clientDuration: number

The duration of the query for the client.


Use searchAPIDuration instead.

Optional constantExpression

constantExpression: string

The constant expression that was executed.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true


duration: number

The total query duration, which is the sum of the indexDuration and searchAPIDuration, including any latency incurred through the necessary network hops.

Optional error

error: object

When an error occurs, and the errorsAsSuccess flag is passed, the error will be returned in the body of the response

Type declaration

  • executionReport: any

    A detailed execution report sent by the Search API

  • message: string

    The error message

  • type: string

    The type of error

Optional exception

exception: IQueryException

The exception that can be returned by the index if the query triggered an error

Optional executionReport

executionReport: any

A detailed execution report sent by the Search API.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true

Optional facets

facets: IFacetResponse[]

Facet results of the query


groupByResults: IGroupByResult[]

The group by results of the query


indexDuration: number

The part of the total query duration that was spent in the index.


phrasesToHighlight: object

Phrases to highlight (with stemming) in the results

Type declaration

  • [originalTerm: string]: string[]

Optional pipeline

pipeline: string

The pipeline that was used for this query.

Optional proxyDuration

proxyDuration: number

The duration of the query on the proxy (not always applicable, can be optional)


Use duration, indexDuration and searchAPIDuration instead.


queryCorrections: IQueryCorrection[]

Possible query corrections (eg : DidYouMean)

Optional rankingExpressions

rankingExpressions: IRankingExpression[]

A list of ranking expression that were used to tweak the relevance.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true

Optional refinedKeywords

refinedKeywords: string[]

The keywords selected by Coveo Machine Learning Refined Query feature


results: IQueryResult[]

The results of the query


searchAPIDuration: number

The part of the total query duration that was spent in the Coveo Search API.

Optional searchUid

searchUid: string

A unique identifier for this query, used mainly for the Analytics service.

Optional splitTestRun

splitTestRun: string

The split test run that was used for this query. (A/B tests feature of the Coveo Query Pipeline)


termsToHighlight: object

Terms to highlight (with stemming) in the results

Type declaration

  • [originalTerm: string]: string[]


totalCount: number

The total number of results that matched the query in the index.


totalCountFiltered: number

The total number of results that matched the query in the index, but with the duplicate filtered.


triggers: ITrigger<any>[]

The Coveo Query Pipeline triggers, if any were configured.

Optional userIdentities

userIdentities: IUserIdentity[]

A list of user identities that were used to perform this query.
Only sent if IQuery.debug is true


  • IQueryResults