Coveo Icon Component (CoveoIcon)

The Icon component outputs the corresponding icon for a given file type. The component searches for a suitable icon from those available in the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework. If the component finds no suitable icon, it instead outputs a generic icon.

This component is a result template component (see Result Templates).




  • debugInfo(): any


  • disable(): void
  • Disable the component. Normally this means that the component will not execute handlers for the framework events (query events, for example). Components are enabled by default on creation.

    Returns void


  • enable(): void
  • Enable the component. Normally this means that the component will execute handlers for the framework events (query events, for example). Components are enabled by default on creation.

    Returns void


Static get

  • get(element: HTMLElement, componentClass?: any, noThrow?: boolean): BaseComponent
  • Get the bound component to the given HTMLElement. Throws an assert if the HTMLElement has no component bound, unless using the noThrow argument.
    If there is multiple component bound to the current HTMLElement, you must specify the component class.


    • element: HTMLElement

      HTMLElement for which to get the bound component.

    • Optional componentClass: any

      Optional component class. If the HTMLElement has multiple components bound, you must specify which one you are targeting.

    • Optional noThrow: boolean

      Boolean option to tell the method to not throw on error.

    Returns BaseComponent



Allows the component to bind events and execute them only when it is enabled.




componentOptionsModel: ComponentOptionsModel

Contains the state of options for different components. Mainly used by ResultLink.


componentStateModel: ComponentStateModel

Contains the state of different components (enabled vs disabled). Allows to get/set values. Triggers component state event when modified. Each component can listen to those events.


disabled: boolean

A disabled component will not participate in the query, or listen to ComponentEvents.




logger: Logger

Allows component to log in the dev console.


queryController: QueryController

Contains the singleton that allows to trigger queries.


queryStateModel: QueryStateModel

Contains the state of the query. Allows to get/set values. Trigger query state event when modified. Each component can listen to those events.


root: HTMLElement

A reference to the root HTMLElement (the SearchInterface).


searchInterface: SearchInterface

A reference to the root of every component, the SearchInterface.

Static ID

ID: string

The static ID that each component needs in order to be identified.
For example, SearchButton -> static ID: SearchButton -> className: CoveoSearchButton



Component Options


conditions: IFieldConditionOption[]

A field-based condition that must be satisfied by the query result item for the component to be rendered.

Note: This option uses a distinctive markup configuration syntax allowing multiple conditions to be expressed. Its underlying logic is the same as that of the field value conditions mechanism used by result templates.

Examples: Render the component if the query result item's @documenttype field value is Article or Documentation.

<div class="CoveoIcon" data-field="@author" data-condition-field-documenttype="Article, Documentation"></div>

Render the component if the query result item's @documenttype field value is anything but Case.

<div class="CoveoIcon" data-field="@author" data-condition-field-not-documenttype="Case"></div>

Render the component if the query result item's @documenttype field value is Article, and if its @author field value is anything but Anonymous.

<div class="CoveoIcon" data-field="@author" data-condition-field-documenttype="Article" data-condition-field-not-author="Anonymous"></div>

Default value is undefined.


labelValue: string

Specifies what text to display as the icon caption/label.

Default value is undefined, which means that the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework determines what text the icon needs to display depending on the result file type.

Markup configuration example(s) :


small: boolean

Specifies whether the Icon component should output the smaller version of the icon instead of the regular one.

Default value is undefined.

Markup configuration example(s) :


value: string

Specifies the value that the Icon component should output as its CSS class instead of the auto-selected value.

Default value is undefined, which means that the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework outputs a suitable icon depending on the result file type.

Markup configuration example(s) :


withLabel: boolean

Specifies whether the Icon component should force the output icon to display its caption/label.


Due to limited screen real estate, setting this option to true has no effect on icons used inside Coveo for Salesforce Insight Panels.

Default value is undefined, which means that the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework determines whether the icon needs to display a caption/label depending on the result file type.

Markup configuration example(s) :



  • Creates a new Icon component.


    • element: HTMLElement

      The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.

    • Optional options: IIconOptions

      The options for the Icon component.

    • Optional bindings: IComponentBindings

      The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).

    • Optional result: IQueryResult

      The result to associate the component with.

    Returns Icon