Coveo Sort Component (CoveoSort)

The Sort component renders a widget that the end user can interact with to select the criterion to use when sorting query results.

To improve accessibility, it's recommended to group Sort components in a container with role="radiogroup".




  • debugInfo(): any


  • disable(): void
  • Disable the component. Normally this means that the component will not execute handlers for the framework events (query events, for example). Components are enabled by default on creation.

    Returns void


  • enable(): void
  • Enable the component. Normally this means that the component will execute handlers for the framework events (query events, for example). Components are enabled by default on creation.

    Returns void



  • getCurrentCriteria(): SortCriteria


  • match(sortId: string): boolean
  • Indicates whether the name of any of the available sortCriteria of this Sort component matches the argument.


    • sortId: string

      The sort criteria name to look for (e.g., date descending).

    Returns boolean


  • select(direction?: string): void
  • Selects this Sort component.

    Updates the state model if selecting this component toggles its current sortCriteria.


    • Optional direction: string

      The sort direction. Can be one of: ascending, descending.

    Returns void


  • selectAndExecuteQuery(): void
  • Selects this Sort component, then triggers a query if selecting this component toggles its current sortCriteria.

    Also logs an event in the usage analytics with the new current sort criteria.

    Returns void

Static get

  • get(element: HTMLElement, componentClass?: any, noThrow?: boolean): BaseComponent
  • Get the bound component to the given HTMLElement. Throws an assert if the HTMLElement has no component bound, unless using the noThrow argument.
    If there is multiple component bound to the current HTMLElement, you must specify the component class.


    • element: HTMLElement

      HTMLElement for which to get the bound component.

    • Optional componentClass: any

      Optional component class. If the HTMLElement has multiple components bound, you must specify which one you are targeting.

    • Optional noThrow: boolean

      Boolean option to tell the method to not throw on error.

    Returns BaseComponent



Allows the component to bind events and execute them only when it is enabled.




componentOptionsModel: ComponentOptionsModel

Contains the state of options for different components. Mainly used by ResultLink.


componentStateModel: ComponentStateModel

Contains the state of different components (enabled vs disabled). Allows to get/set values. Triggers component state event when modified. Each component can listen to those events.


disabled: boolean

A disabled component will not participate in the query, or listen to ComponentEvents.




logger: Logger

Allows component to log in the dev console.


queryController: QueryController

Contains the singleton that allows to trigger queries.


queryStateModel: QueryStateModel

Contains the state of the query. Allows to get/set values. Trigger query state event when modified. Each component can listen to those events.


root: HTMLElement

A reference to the root HTMLElement (the SearchInterface).


searchInterface: SearchInterface

A reference to the root of every component, the SearchInterface.

Static ID

ID: string

The static ID that each component needs in order to be identified.
For example, SearchButton -> static ID: SearchButton -> className: CoveoSearchButton



Component Options


caption: string

The caption to display on this component instance.

By default, the component uses the text content of the element it is instanciated on.


Specifying a value for this option is required for the component to work

Markup configuration example(s) :


sortCriteria: SortCriteria[]

The sort criterion/criteria the end user can select/toggle between when interacting with this component instance.

The available sort criteria are:

  • relevancy
  • date ascending/date descending
  • qre
  • @field ascending/@field descending, where you must replace field with the name of a sortable field in your index (e.g., data-sort-criteria="@size ascending").

You can specify a comma separated list of sort criteria to toggle between when interacting with this component instance (e.g., data-sort-criteria="date descending,date ascending").

You can specify multiple sort criteria to be used in the same request by separating them with a semicolon (e.g., data-sort-criteria="@size ascending;date ascending" ).

Interacting with this component instance will cycle through those criteria in the order they are listed in. Typically, you should only specify a list of sort criteria when you want the end user to be able to to toggle the direction of a date or @field sort criteria. Otherwise, you should configure a distinct Sort component instance for each sort criterion you want to make available in your search page.

You must specify a valid value for this option in order for this component instance to work correctly.


  • data-sort-criteria="date ascending" createes a Sort component that allows to sort on date ascending, without being able to toggle the order.
  • data-sort-criteria="date ascending, date descending" creates a Sort component that allows end users to toggle between date ascending and date descending on click.
  • data-sort-criteria="@size ascending; date descending" creates a Sort component that only allows end users to sort on @size ascending. The index then applies a second sort on date descending when two items are of equal value.
  • data-sort-criteria="@size ascending; date descending, @size descending; date descending" creates a Sort component that allows end users to toggle between @size ascending and @size descending. For each value, the index applies a second sort on date descending when two items are of equal value.

Specifying a value for this option is required for the component to work



  • Creates a new Sort component instance.


    • element: HTMLElement

      The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.

    • Optional options: ISortOptions

      The options for this component instance.

    • Optional bindings: IComponentBindings

      The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).

    Returns Sort